Scholarly Societies Project

History of Scholarly Societies:
Dictionary of Scientific Biography


Dictionary of Scientific Biography
American Council of Learned Societies
Dictionary of Scientific Biography
/ Charles Coulston Gillispie, editor in chief.
New York : Scribner, 1970-1980. 16 v.
V.15 is entitled Supplement I; Topical Essays. V.16 is an Index volume; society names occur throughout the index, but there is also a special section (pp.471-473) where all the societies indexed are enumerated. A Supplement II was issued in 1990 as v.17-18 (edited by Frederic L. Holmes).

The Dictionary of Scientific Biography (DSB) is a monumental compilation of biographical entries (some running to dozens of pages) created by professional historians of science across the world. The persons and institutions covered date from classical antiquity to the present, with the exception that persons still living when the compilation was begun were excluded from consideration.


Scholarly Societies Project