Scholarly Societies Project

Accademia Agraria di Pesaro


Founding of the Society

Year Authority / Notes

According to Georgofili (1931), p.217, the academy's statutes were approved 1828, June 12, and the first public meeting was 1829, January 30.

We learn, however, on p.218 of Georgofili (1931) that already in 1831 Pope Gregory XVI dissolved the Academy for fear of it fostering liberals; but the Council was permitted to continue to meet privately and to publish the Esercitazioni each year. Finally in 1845 (p.220) the Academy was once again allowed to have public academic meetings.

Seat of the Society

City Authority / Notes

This location is supported by the name of the academy.

Name of the Society

Dates Name Authority
1828 - Accademia Agraria di Pesaro

Its publications establish this name from 1829. And Georgofili (1931), p.217, in discussing the approval of the academy's statutes on 1828, June 12 does not indicate that the academy had a different name in 1828.

Website of the Society

No website found, as of 2006, July 25.

Journals of the Society

Years Full Journal Title Abbrev.
1829 - 1855;
1869 - 1879;
1967 - (Ser.3. v.1 - )


Esercitazioni della Accademia Agraria di Pesaro

The record in the Univ. Milano cat. gives holding only for 1967 on, and gives the title as above.

The record in the Univ. Bologna cat. indicates that the journal began publishing in 1829, but was not published from 1856 to 1868, and from 1880 to 1966; this record does not give volume numbers. This record gives the title as Esercitazioni. Accademia Agraria di Pesaro.

The title of this journal is given on p.218 of Georgofili (1931) as Esercitazioni dell'Accademia Agraria di Pesaro.

[Univ. Milano cat.; Univ. Bologna cat.]


Scholarly Societies Project