Real Academia Nacional de Medicina

Founding of the Society
Year | Authority / Notes |
1734 |
According to its website, on 1733, July 12, the Tertulia Literaria Médica Matritense was founded; it formed the basis for the official founding of the Academy a year later on 1734, August 12 with the name Academia Médica Matritense. There is a record in the Bib. Nac. España cat. for a monograph with the title statement Elogio histórico del Señor Doctor D. Joseph Cervi : leido á la Real Academia Médica Matritense en 30 de Marzo de 1748 / por su Secretario Don José de Ortega (pub. 1748). This establishes the use of the name Real Academia Médica Matritense as early as 1748. There is a record in the Bib. Nac. España cat. for a monograph with the title statement Tarantismo observado en España con que se prueba el de la Pulla, dudado de algunos y tratado de otros de fabbuloso, y memorias para escribir la historia del insecto llamado tarántula, efectos de su veneno en el cuerpo humano, y curación por la música con el modo de obrar de esta, y su aplicación como remedio a varias enfermedades / su autor Don Francisco Xavier Cid, socio de la Real Sociedad Bascongada, Académico de la Real Academia Médica Matritense, y Médico titular del Ilustrísimo Deán y Cabildo de la Santa Iglesia de Toledo, Primada de las Españas, y del Excelentísimo e Ilustrísimo Señor Don Francisco Lorenzana, Arzobispo de esta ciudad. This establishes the use of the name Real Academia Médica Matritense as late as 1787. There is a record in the Univ. Compl. Madrid cat. for a monograph with the title statement Estatutos de la Real Academia Médica de Madrid y plan de sus ocupaciones... (pub. 1791). This establishes the use of the name Real Academia Médica de Madrid as early as 1791. There is a record in the Univ. Compl. Madrid cat. for a monograph with the title statement Disertacion sobre la raíz de la Ratánhia : específico singular contra los fluxos de sangre que se insertó en el primer tomo de las Memorias de la Real Academia Médica de Madrid ... / por su autor Don Hipólito Ruiz ... (pub. 1799). This establishes the use of the name Real Academia Médica de Madrid as late as 1799. Its website indicates that once into the 19th century, the Academy underwent the vicissitudes of the nation: the scientific edifice that had been gradually erected collapsed as a result of the French Revolution and of the Napoleonic wars. Whatever sounded intelligent became dangerous. Firm control was maintained over all academic institutions until the death of Fernando VII (1784–1833). During the reign of his successor, Isabella II (1830–1904), academic activities began once again. As a result, a reorganization of the Academy occurred in April of 1861. At the Real Academia de Ciencias website , we find what appears to be a slightly different story about the origins of the Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. There we read that 1734 saw the founding of the Real Academia de Medicina y Ciencias Naturales, which a little later the Marqués de la Ensenada (1702–1781) ordered split in two corresponding to its two scientific areas of interest. By 1752 the plans had finally been drawn up for a Sociedad Real de Ciencias de Madrid (presumably for the natural sciences component), but the project was abandoned in 1754 with the fall from grace of the Marqués de la Ensenada. This account suggests that the name was initially Real Academia de Medicina y Ciencias Naturales, and that at some later date, likely no later than 1754, the name was altered to remove the reference to the natural sciences. |
Name of the Society
Dates | Name | Authority |
1733 - 1734 | Tertulia Literaria Médica Matritense |
Its website. Its website. |
1734 | Academia Médica Matritense |
Its website. |
1748 - 1787 | Real Academia Médica Matritense |
Its publications. Its publications. |
1791 - 1799 | Real Academia Médica de Madrid |
Its publications. Its publications. |
1854 - 1936 | Real Academia de Medicina de Madrid |
Its publications. Its publications. |
1879 - 1946 | Real Academia de Medicina |
Its publications. Its publications. |
1946 - | Real Academia Nacional de Medicina |
Its publications. |
Website of the Society
Journals of the Society
Years | Full Journal Title | Abbrev. |
1797 A |
Memorias de la Real Academia Médica de Madrid A record in the Cat. Coll. France gives the title for the 1787 volume as Memorias de la Real Academia Médica de Madrid. Continued by C. [Cat. Coll. France] |
Mem. Real Acad. Med., Madrid Phil. Trans., B Vol. 198 (1906), p.321 cites vol. 1 (1797). |
1854, en. 1 - 1936, oct. 3 (Año 1, n. 1 - año 83, t. 98, n. 4321) B |
El Siglo Médico : boletín de medicina y gaceta médica : periódico oficial de la Real Academia de Medicina de Madrid y de la Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos According to the record in the Bib. Nac. España cat. this journal continues three serial publications: (1) Gaceta Médica (Madrid) (published by the Instituto Médico de Emulación from 1845 - 1853), (2) Boletín de Medicina, Cirugía y Farmacia (published by the Sociedad Médica General de Socorros Mutuos from 1834 - 1853), and (3) El Genio Médico-Quirúrgico (published independently from 1867 - 1887, then absorbed by El Siglo Médico), and was continued by Semana Médica Española (not published by the Real Academia de Medicina de Madrid). [Bib. Nac. España cat.] |
Siglo méd. Mono. Soc. Res. Child Dev., Vol. 10, No. 2, (1945), p.75 cites 1928, 82. Siglo méd., Madrid American Anthropologist, Vol. 11, No. 9 (Sep., 1898), p.290 cites 1898, xlv. Siglo med., Madrid Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, No. 3 (Mar. 15, 1919), p.86 cites 53, 1906. |
1862 (Vol. 2); 1870 (Vol. 3 (Parte primera)); 1875 (Vol. 3 (Parte segunda)); 1877 (Vol. 4); 1883 (Vol. 5 - Vol. 6); 1884 (Vol. 7 - Vol. 8) C |
Memorias de la Real Academia de Medicina de Madrid The record in the Univ. Compl. Madrid cat. referes to a 1797 volume, and also indicates that this serial was not published between 1798 and 1861. We conclude that this title continues A. According to the holding statements in the record in the Univ. Compl. Madrid cat., Vol. 2 = 1862; Vol. 3 (Parte primera) = 1870 and Vol. 3 (Parte segunda) = 1875; Vol. 4 = 1877; Vol. 5 = 1883; Vol. 6 = 1883; Vol. 7= 1884; and Vol. 8 = 1884. Note, however, that the record in the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) for the title Memorias de la Real Academia Médica de Madrid gives a holdings statement of 1.1797 - 10.1889[?], namely two more volumes, and no indication of the new name of the Academy. Continues A. [Univ. Compl. Madrid cat.] |
1879 - (T. 1- ) D |
Anales de la Real Academia de Medicina The record in the Oxford Univ. cat. indicates that the title was from t. 63 (1946)- Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. [Oxford Univ. cat.] |
An. r. Acad. de med., Madrid American Anthropologist, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Jul., 1893), p.332 cites 1892, xii. An. R. Acad. Med., Madr. Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 17 (Nov., 1971), p.298 cites 67, 1950. |