Last Updated: 2009, February 24

Scholarly Societies Project

General Science

This is one of a set of subject pages in the

Scholarly Societies Project, which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources.

Links to websites of scholarly societies in General Science are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of General Science sites is 276.5/324 = 85.3%. The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site.

See also: the Material, Metal & Mineral Sciences category.

URL Stability Rank
Society Name
four stars Aargauische Naturforschende Gesellschaft = Aargau Natural Science Society [In German.] ANG
four stars Academia Brasileira de Ciências = Brazilian Academy of Sciences [In English and Portuguese.] ABC
four stars Academia Chilena de Ciencias = Chilean Academy of Sciences [Also known as Academia Chilena de Ciencias del Instituto de Chile. In Spanish.] ACC
four stars Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales = Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences [In Spanish.] ACCEFYN
four stars Academia das Ciências de Lisboa = Academy of Sciences of Lisbon [In Portuguese and English.] ACL
four stars Academia de Ciencias de América Latina = Latin American Academy of Sciences [In Spanish.] ACAL
one star
broken once broken once
Academia de Ciencias de Cuba = Academy of Sciences of Cuba [In Spanish and English.] ACC
one star Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela = Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Venezuela [In Spanish.] ACFMN
four stars Academia de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova = Academy of Sciences of Moldova [In English.] ASRM = ASM
four stars Academia Europaea = Academy of Europe [In English.]  
one star Academia Mexicana de Ciencias = Mexican Academy of Sciences [In Spanish.] AMC
four stars Academia Nacional de Ciencias (ANC) = National Academy of Sciences (Costa Rica) [In Spanish.] ANC
four stars Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales = National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences [In Spanish.] ANCEFN
four stars Academia Româna = Romanian Academy [In Romanian and English.] AR = RA
four stars Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea = Europäische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste = European Academy of Sciences and Arts = Académie Européenne des Sciences et Arts [In English.] EASA
four stars Académie d'Alsace = Academy of Alsace [In French.] AA
one star Académie de Nîmes = Academy of Nîmes [In French.]  
four stars Académie de Stanislas = Academy of Stanislas [In French.]  
four stars Académie des Sciences = French Academy of Sciences [In French and English. Also known as: Académie des sciences à Paris.] AS
four stars Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres de Caen = Academy of Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Caen [In French and English.] ASABLC
one star Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Touraine = Academy of Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Touraine [In French and English.]  
four stars Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Besançon et de Franche-Comté = Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts of Besançon and of Franche-Comté [In French.]  
one star Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon = Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts of Lyon [In French.]  
one star
broken once
Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rouen = Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts of Rouen [In French.] ASBLAR
four stars Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Savoie = Académie de Savoie = Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts of Savoy = Academy of Savoy [In French.] ASBLAS
four stars Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer = Academy of Overseas Sciences [In French. The Academy is concerned with scientific and other studies on the overseas regions.] ASOM
one star
broken once
Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier = Academy of Sciences and Letters of Montpellier [In French.] ASLM
one star
broken once
Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse = Academy of Sciences, Inscriptions and Humanities of Toulouse [In French.] ASIBLT
one star Académie des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Marseille = Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Marseille [In French.] ASLAM
four stars Académie du Var = Academy of Var [In French.] AV
one star Académie Lorraine des Sciences = Lorraine Academy of Sciences [In French.] ALS
one star Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique = Royal Academy of Science, Humanities and Fine Arts of Belgium [In French and English.] ARB
four stars Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer = Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen = Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences [In French, Dutch and English. This Belgian Academy has the aim of promoting scientific knowledge in overseas regions.] ARSOM = KAOW = RAOS
four stars Académie Tunisienne des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts «Beït al-Hikma» = Tunisian Academy of the Sciences, Letters and Arts «Beït al-Hikma» = "المجمع التونسي للعلوم والآداب والفنون" بيت الحكمة [In French, Arabic and English.]  
four stars Academy of Science of South Africa [In English.] ASSAf
four stars فرهنگستان علوم جمهوري اسلامي ايران = Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran = Islamic Republic of Iran Academy of Sciences [In English.] IAS
four stars أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا = أكاديمية البحث العلمى والتكنولوجيا = Academy of Scientific Research and Technology [Located in Egypt. In Arabic and English.] ASRT
four stars Accademia dei Concordi di Rovigo = Academy of the Concordant Ones of Rovigo [In Italian.] ACR
four stars Accademia dei Fisiocritici di Siena = Accademia delle Scienze di Siena detta de' Fisio-critici = Academy of the Physiocritics of Siena = Academy of Sciences of Siena known as the Physiocritics [In Italian.]  
four stars Accademia del Mediterraneo = Academy of the Mediterranean [In Italian.]  
one star
broken once
Accademia delle Scienze di Ferrara = Academy of Sciences of Ferrara [In Italian.] ASF
four stars Accademia delle Scienze di Torino = Academy of Sciences of Turin [In Italian.] AST
four stars Accademia di Agricoltura, Scienze e Lettere di Verona = Academy of Agriculture, Science and Letters of Verona [In Italian.] AASLVR
four stars Accademia Etrusca di Cortona = Etruscan Academy of Cortona [In Italian and English. The site is primarily about the Society's Museum.] AEC
one star
broken once
Accademia Galileiana di Scienze Lettere ed Arti in Padova = Galilean Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts in Padua [In Italian.] AGSLA
one star Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania = Gioenian Academy of Natural Sciences in Catania [In Italian.]  
four stars Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei [Mostly in Italian; some English.]  
four stars Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL = National Academy of Sciences, known as the Forty [In Italian.]  
four stars Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti Modena = National Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts Modena [In Italian.]  
four stars Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti = National Virgilian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts [In Italian.]  
four stars Accademia Olimpica = Olympic Academy [In Italian. The Academy has sections devoted to letters and arts, science and technology, and economics and administration.]  
four stars Accademia Petrarca di Lettere, Arti e Scienze di Arezzo = Petrarchian Academy of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Arezzo [In Italian.]  
one star Accademia Pontaniana = Pontanian Academy [In Italian.]  
four stars Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati di Scienze, Lettere e Arti = Rovereto Academy of the Comfortable Ones of Sciences, Letters and Arts [In Italian.]  
four stars Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere "La Colombaria" = Tuscan Academy of Sciences and Letters "La Colombaria" [In Italian.] ATSL
four stars Accademia Valdarnese del Poggio = Valdarno Academy of Poggio [In Italian.]  
four stars Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering and Mathematics AWSEM
four stars African Academy of Sciences [In English.] AAS
four stars Akademi Sains Malaysia = Academy of Sciences Malaysia [In English.] ASM
four stars Ακαδημία Αθηνών = Akademia Athenon = Academy of Athens [In Greek, with some English.]  
four stars Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë = Academy of Sciences of Albania [In English.] ASS
four stars Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz = Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz [In German.] AdWLM
one star Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen = Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Göttingen [In German.] AdWG
four stars Akademie Gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt = Academy of the Arts and Sciences Useful to the Public in Erfurt [In German.] AGWE
four stars Akademie Věd České Republiky = Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic [In Czech and English.] AV ČR = ASCR
four stars Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber = Danish Academy of Technical Sciences [In Danish and English.] ATV
four stars Akademiǰa Nauka i Umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine = Академија Наука и Умјетности Босне и Херцеговине = Academy of Science and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina [In Serbo-Croatian and English.] ANUBiH
four stars All European Academies [In English. "ALLEA is the federation of national Academies of Sciences, Arts and Humanities in Europe."] ALLEA
four stars American Academy of Arts and Sciences AAAS
four stars American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS
four stars American Council of Independent Laboratories ACIL
four stars American Council of Learned Societies ACLS
four stars American Indian Science and Engineering Society AISES
four stars American Philosophical Society ["...promotes excellence and useful knowledge in the science and humanities..."] APS
four stars American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASNT
four stars American Society for Quality ASQ
four stars American Society of Association Executives ASAE
four stars ԱՄԵՐԻԿԱՀԱՅ ՃԱՐՏԱՐԱԳԷՏՆԵՐՈԻ ԵԻ ԳԻՏՆԱԿԱՆՆԵՐՈԻ ԸՆԿԵՐԱԿՑՈԻԹԻԻՆ = Amerikaha Chartaragetneroi ei Gitnakanneroi Enkeraktzvitiin = Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America [In English. Includes Armenian engineers and scientists living across the world.] AESA
four stars Arab Union of Scientists & Researchers = إتحاد العلماء والباحثين العرب [In English and Arabic.] AUSR
four stars Asociación Colombiana de Sociedades Científicas = Colombian Association of Scientific Societies [In Spanish.] ACSC
four stars Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia = Colombian Association for the Advancement of Science [In Spanish.] ACAC
four stars Asociación Venezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia = Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Science [In Spanish.] AsoVAC
four stars Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade = Portuguese Association for Quality [In Portuguese.] APQ
four stars Association Canadienne-Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (ACFAS) = French Canadian Association for the Advancement of Science [In French.] ACFAS
four stars Association for Laboratory Automation ALA
four stars Association for Science Education ASE
four stars Association for Women in Science AWIS
four stars Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences = French Association for the Advancement of the Sciences [In French.] AFAS
four stars Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia [In English.] AASA
four stars Associazione Italiana per la Qualità = Associazione Italiana Cultura Qualità = Italian Association for Quality [In Italian.] AICQ
four stars Associazione Italiana Prove Non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica = Italian Society for Nondestructive Testing, Monitoring and Diagnostics [In English.] AIPnD
one star Ateneo di Brescia: Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti = Atheneum of Brescia: Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts [In Italian.]  
four stars Ateneo di Scienze Lettere ed Arti Bergamo = Bergamasque Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts [In Italian.]  
four stars Ateneo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti = Venetian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts [In Italian.]  
four stars Australian Academy of Science AAS
four stars Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
four stars Austrian Academy of Sciences = Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften [In German and English.] AAS = OeAW
  বাংলা একােডমী = Bangla Ekademi = Bangla Academy = Bengali Academy [Located in Bangladesh. No website found as of 2003-06-19.]  
four stars Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften = Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities [In German and English.] BAdW
one star
broken once broken once broken once
Belgische Vereniging voor Microscopie = Société Belge de Microscopie = Belgian Society for Microscopy [In Dutch, French, and English.] BVM = SBM
four stars
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften = Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities BBAW
four stars भारतीय राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान अकादमी = Bhārătīyă Rāstrīyă Vijñyān Akādmī = Indian National Science Academy [In English.] INSA
four stars British Academy BA
four stars British Association for the Advancement of Science [also known as British Association (BA)] BAAS = BA
four stars British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing BInstNDT
four stars British Society for the History of Science BSHS
four stars Българска Академия на Науките (БАН) = Bʹʹlgarska Akademiâ na Naukite = Bulgarian Academy of Sciences [In English, with some Bulgarian.] БАН = BAN = BAS
four stars California Academy of Sciences CAS
one star Cambridge Philosophical Society CPS
four stars Canadian Institute for NDE = Canadian Institute for Nondestructive Evaluation CINDE
four stars Canadian Science Writers' Association = Association Canadienne des Rédacteurs Scientifiques [In English.] CSWA = ACRS
one star Caribbean Academy of Sciences [In English.] CAS
four stars Česká Společnost pro Jakost = Czech Society for Quality [In Czech and English.] CSJ = CSQ
four stars Český Svaz Vědeckotechnických Společností = Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies [In Czech and English.] CSVTS
four stars Chicago Academy of Sciences CAS
four stars Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal CSICOP
four stars Conférence Nationale des Académies des Sciences, Lettres et Arts = National Conference of the Academies of Sciences, Letters and Arts [In French. A federation of academies of broad subject scope in France.] CNASLA
one star Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences CAAS
four stars Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering CASE
four stars Conseil National des Ingénieurs et des Scientifiques de France = National Council of Engineers and Scientists of France [In French.] CNISF
four stars Council of Science Editors CSE
four stars Council of Scientific Society Presidents CSSP
four stars Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina = German Leopoldina Academy of Researchers [In German.] DANL
four stars Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft = German Association for the Encouragement of Research [In German.] DFG
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie = German Society for Electron Microscopy [In German.] DGE
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik = German Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology [In German.] DGGMNT
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität = German Society for Quality [In German.] DGQ
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung = German Society for Non-Destructive Testing [In German and English.] DGZfP
four stars Deutscher Verein zur Förderung des Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts = German Association for the Advancement of Mathematics and Science Teaching [In German.] Förderverein MNU
four stars Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences [In English.] DAAS
four stars Eesti Kvaliteediühing = Estonian Association for Quality [In Estonian.] EAQ
four stars Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia = Academia Scientiarum Estoniae = Estonian Academy of Sciences [In Estonian and English.] ETA
four stars Επιστημονικό Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Κύπρου = Epistimoniko Techniko Epimelitirio Kyprou = Scientific Technical Chamber of Cyprus [In Greek.] ETEK
four stars European Organization for Quality [In English.] EOQ
four stars European Society for the History of Science [In English.] ESHS
four stars Федерация на Научно-Техническите Съюзи в България = Federaciâ na Naučno-Tehničeskite Sʹʹûzi v Bʹʹlgariâ = Federation of the Scientific and Technical Unions in Bulgaria [In Bulgarian and English.] ФНТС = FNTS
four stars
Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies FASTS
one star Genootschap tot Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde = Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde = Society for the Advancement of Science, Medicine and Surgery [In Dutch.]  
four stars Georgia Academy of Science GAS
four stars Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte = Society of German Researchers and Physicians [In German.] GDNÄ
four stars Goethe-Gesellschaft in Weimar = Goethe Society in Weimar [In German.]  
four stars Հայաստանի Գիտությունների Ազգային Ակադեմիա = Hayastani Gitowt'yownneri Azgayin Akademia = National Academy of Sciences of Armenia = Национальная Академия Наук РА [In Armenian, English and Russian.] HGA = NASRA
one star Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften = Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities [In German.] HAW
four stars
History of Science Society HSS
four stars Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti = Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts [In Croatian and English.] HAZU
four stars ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology [CODATA is an interdisciplinary Scientific Committee of the International Council for Science (ICSU).] ICSU-CODATA
one star
broken once
ICSU Panel on World Data Centers ICSU-PWDC
four stars Illinois State Academy of Science ISAS
four stars Indian Academy of Sciences [In English.] IAS
four stars Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science [In English.] IACS
four stars Institut de France = Institute of France [In French.]  
four stars Institut National Genevois = National Institute of Geneva [In French. The Institute was founded on the model of the Institut de France.] ING
four stars Institute of Quality Assurance IQA
one star Instituto de Chile = Institute of Chile [In Spanish.]  
four stars Instituto de España = Institute of Spain [In Spanish.] IdE
four stars InterAcademy Panel on International Issues [In English. "The InterAcademy Panel on International Issues (IAP) is an informal network of world's academies working together in providing advice and input to governments and international organizations and in informing public opinion on scientific aspects of issues of concern internationally."] IAP
four stars International Association for Great Lakes Research IAGLR
four stars International Association of Science and Technology for Development IASTED
four stars International Council for Science [Formerly the International Council of Scientific Unions.] ICSU
four stars International Council for Scientific and Technical Information = Conseil International pour l'Information scientifique et technique ICSTI = CIIST
four stars International Council of Museums ICOM
one star
broken once
International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts IFNA
four stars International Foundation for Science IFS
four stars International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme [Established and sponsored by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). "Its goal is describe and understand the interactive physical, chemical and biological processes that regulate the total Earth system, the unique environment that it provides for life, the changes that are occurring in this system, and the manner in which they are influenced by human actions."] IGBP
one star
broken once broken once
International Society of Dynamic Games ISDG
  International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science = Union Internationale d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences [Website not found as of 2003-10-03.] IUHPS = UIHPS
four stars Irish Research Scientists' Association IRSA
four stars الأكاديمية الإسلامية للعلوم = Islamic Academy of Sciences = Académie Islamique des Sciences [In English.] IAS
four stars האקדמיה הישראלית הלאומית למדעים = Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities IASH
four stars Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere = Lombardy Institute, Academy of Sciences and Letters [In Italian.] ILASL
four stars Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti = Venetian Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts [In Italian.] IVSLA
one star Kansas Academy of Science KAS
four stars Kentucky Academy of Science KAS
four stars Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab (KDVS) = Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters [In Danish and English.] KDVS
four stars Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab = Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab = Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters [In Norwegian and English.] DKNVS
four stars Koninklijk Natuurkundig Genootschap te Groningen = Royal Natural Sciences Society in Groningen [In Dutch.] KNG
four stars Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen (KZGW) = Royal Zeeland Society of Sciences [In Dutch.] KZGW
four stars Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen = Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities [In Dutch and English.] KHMW
four stars Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde onder de Zinspreuk Diligentia = Royal Society for Science with the Motto "Diligentia" [In Dutch.]  
four stars Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen = Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences [In Dutch] KNAW
four stars Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten = Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts [In Dutch and English.] KVAB
four stars 한국과학기술한림원 = Korean Academy of Science and Technology [In Korean and English.] KAST
four stars 한국과학기술단체총연합회 = Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies [In Korean and English.] KOFST
four stars 한국비파괴검사학회 = Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing [In Korean and English.] KSNT
four stars 한국전자현미경학회 = Korean Society of Electron Microscopy [In Korean.] KSEM
four stars Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien = Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences [In English and Swedish.] KVA
four stars Latvijas Kvalitātes Asociācija = Latvian Quality Association [In Latvian.] LKA
four stars Latvijas Zinat nu Akademija = Latvian Academy of Sciences [In English and Latvian.] LZA = LAS
four stars Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia = Indonesian Institute of Sciences [In English.] LIPI
four stars Liên Hiệp Các Hội Khoa Học Và Kỹ Thuật Việt Nam = Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations [In Vietnamese.] VUSTA
four stars Lietuvos Mokslininkų Sąjunga = Lithuanian Scientific Society [In Lithuanian and English.] LMS
one star
broken once
Lietuvos Mokslø Akademija = Lithuanian Academy of Sciences [In English and Lithuanian.] LMA
four stars Magyar Tudományos Akadémia = Hungarian Academy of Sciences [In English and Hungarian.] MTA = HAS
four stars Македонска Академија на Науките и Уметностите = Makedonska Akademiǰa na Naukite i Umetnostite = Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts [In Macedonian and English.] MANU
four stars Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society [Covers a broad range of interests.] MLPS
one star
broken once broken once broken once
Microscopical Society of Canada = Société de Microscopie du Canada [In English and French.] MSC = SMC
four stars Microscopy Society of America MSA
four stars Microscopy Society of Southern Africa MSSA
four stars Mississippi Academy of Sciences MAS
four stars Монгол Улсын Шинжлэх Ухааны Академи = Mongol Ulsyn Šinžleh Uhaany Akademi = Mongolian Academy of Sciences [In Mongolian and English.] МУШУА = MAS
four stars Mouvement Français pour la Qualité = French Movement for Quality [In French.] MFQ
four stars Müszaki és Természettudományi Egyesületek Szövetsége = Federation of Technical and Scientific Societies (Hungary) [In Hungarian, with some English.] MTESZ
four stars Національна Академія Наук України = Nacìonalʹna Akademìâ Nauk Ukraïni = National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [In Ukrainian, English and Russian.] НАН = NAN
three stars Нацыянальная Акадэмія Навук Беларусі = Nacyânalʹnaâ Akadèmìâ Navuk Belarusi = National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [In Belarusian, English and Russian.] NANB = NASB
four stars National Academy of Science and Technology [In English. The Philippines.] NAST
four stars National Academy of Sciences [One of the national academies of the U.S.A.] NAS
four stars 대한민국학술원 = National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea [In Korean and English.] NAS
four stars National Association for Research in Science Teaching NARST
four stars National Association of Science Writers NASW
four stars National Coalition of Independent Scholars NCIS
four stars National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals NOGLSTP
four stars Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel = Scientific Society in Basel [In German.] NGiB
four stars Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich = Natural Science Society in Zürich [In German.] NGZ
one star Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis, Dresden = Scientific Society Isis, Dresden [In German.]  
four stars Naturforschende Gesellschaft Luzern = Scientific Society in Lucerne [In German.] NGL
four stars Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur = Scientific Society, Winterthur [In German.] NGW
four stars Наукове Товариство ім. Шевченка = Naukove Tovaristvo ìm. Ševčenka = Shevchenko Scientific Society [In English, with some Ukrainian.] SSS
four stars Nebraska Academy of Sciences NAS
four stars Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie = Dutch Society of Microscopy [In Dutch and English.] NVvM
four stars New Jersey Academy of Science NJAS
four stars New Mexico Academy of Science NMAS
four stars New York Academy of Sciences NYAS
four stars Nigerian Academy of Science [In English.] NAS
four stars 日本学術会議 = Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi = Science Council of Japan [In Japanese. The Council "acts as the representative organization of Japanese scientists, both domestically and internationally, for the promotion and permeation of science."] SCJ
four stars 日本科学協会 = Nihon Kagaku Kyōkai = Japan Science Society [In Japanese.] JSS
four stars 日本学士院 = Nippon Gakushiin = Japan Academy [In Japanese and English.] NG
one star Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften = North-Rhine-Westphalia Academy of Sciences and Humanities [In German.] NRWAdW
four stars Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi = Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences [In Norwegian and English.] NTVA
four stars Norsk Forening for Kvalitet og Lederskap = Norwegian Association of Quality and Leadership [In Norwegian.] NFKL
four stars Norske Videnskaps-Akademi = Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters [In English and Norwegian. Also known as: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi (DNVA).] DNVA = NASL
four stars North American Lake Management Society NALMS
four stars Ohio Academy of Science OAS
one star
broken once
Oklahoma Academy of Science OAS
four stars O'zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi = Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences = Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan = Академия Наук Республики Узбекистан = Akademiâ Nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan [In Uzbek, English, and Russian.] O'zR FA = UAS = АН РУз = ANRUz
four stars Pacific Science Association PSA
four stars Pakistan Academy of Sciences [In English.] PAS
four stars أَكاديمية فلسطين أَلعلوم وأَلتكنولوجيا = Palestine Academy for Science and Technology [In English.] PAST
four stars Patriotische Gesellschaft von 1765 = Patriotic Society of 1765 [In German. Founded in 1765 as Hamburgische Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Künste und Nützlichen Gewerbe (Hamburg Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Useful Trades).]  
four stars Persatuan Ahli-Ahli Sains Malaysia = Malaysian Scientific Association [In English.] MSA
four stars Plymouth Athenaeum [The Athenaeum is a society devoted to the promotion of the Arts, Literature, Science and Technology.]  
four stars Polanyi Society ["The Polanyi Society is a scholarly organization whose members are interested in the thought of Michael Polanyi, a scientist and philosopher who lived from 1891 to 1976."]  
four stars Polska Akademia Nauk = Polish Academy of Sciences [In Polish and English.] PAN
one star Polska Akademia Umiejętności = Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences [In Polish and English.] PAU
one star Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze = Pontificia Academia Scientiarum = Pontifical Academy of Sciences [In Italian and English.] PAS
four stars Quality Society of Australasia QSA
four stars Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences QAAS
four stars Radiation Research Society RRS
four stars Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales = Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences (Spain) [In Spanish.] RACEFyN
four stars Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona = Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona [In Spanish.] RACAB
four stars Real Academia Española = Royal Spanish Academy [In Spanish.] RAE
four stars Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País = Euskalerriaren Adiskideen Elkartea = Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country [In Spanish and Basque.] RSBAP
four stars Российская Академия Естественных Наук = Rossijskaâ Akademiâ Estestvennyh Nauk = Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ["to serve the development of science, education and culture as an important condition of the economic and spiritual renaissance of Russia." In Russian and English.] RAEN = RANS
four stars Российская Академия Наук = Rossijskaâ Akademiâ Nauk = Russian Academy of Sciences [In English and Russian.] RAN = RAS
four stars Российское Общество Сканирующей Зондовой Микроскопии и Нанотехнологии = Rossiiskoe Obshchestvo Skaniruyushchei Zondovoi Mikroskopii i Nanotekhnologii = Russian Society of Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanotechnology [In Russian and English.]  
four stars Royal Canadian Institute (RCI) [In English. Also known as the Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science.] RCI
four stars Royal Dublin Society [Concerned with promoting the development of agriculture, arts, science and industry in Ireland.] RDS
four stars ราชบัณฑิตยสถาน = Royal Institute (Thailand) [In Thai.]  
four stars Royal Institution of Great Britain RIGB
four stars Royal Irish Academy = Acadamh Ríoga na hÉireann RIA
four stars Royal Microscopical Society RMS
four stars Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology [In English.] RONAST
four stars الجمعية العلمية الملكية = Royal Scientific Society [Jordan. In English.] RSS
four stars Royal Scottish Society of Arts [Sometimes subtitled: (Science and Technology).] RSSA
four stars Royal Society [Also known as the "Royal Society of London."] RS
four stars Royal Society of Canada = Société royale du Canada [In English and French.] RSC = SRC
four stars Royal Society of Edinburgh RSE
one star
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Royal Society of New South Wales RSNSW
four stars Royal Society of New Zealand RSNZ
one star Royal Society of South Africa RSSA
one star
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Royal Society of South Australia RSSA
four stars Royal Society of Victoria RSV
four stars Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig = Saxonian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Leipzig [In German.] SAW
four stars Safety Institute of Australia SIA
four stars საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემია = Sak'art'velos Mec'nierebat'a Akademia = Georgian Academy of Sciences [In English, and some Georgian.] GAS
four stars Санкт-Петербургский Союз Ученых = Sankt-Peterburgskii Soiuz Uchenykh = St.Petersburg Association of Scientists and Scholars [In Russian and English.] SPbSU = SPASS
four stars Schweizerische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften = Académie suisse des sciences naturelles = Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali = Academia svizra da scienzas natüralas = Swiss Academy of Sciences [In German, French and English.] SANW = ASSN = ASSN = ASSN = SAS
four stars Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Qualitätsförderung = Association Suisse pour la Promotion de la Qualité = Swiss Association for the Promotion of Quality [In German, with some French and Italian.] SAQ = ASPQ
four stars Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Optik und Elektronmikroskopie = Société Suisse d'Optique et de Microscopie Électronique = Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy [In English.] SGOEM = SSOME = SSOM
four stars สมาฅม วิทยาศาสตร์ แห่ ง ประเทศไทย = Science Society of Thailand [In Thai.] SST
four stars Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research ["SCAR, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, is a committee of ICSU, the International Council of Scientific Unions...."] SCAR
four stars สยาม สมาคม = Siam Society (Thailand) [In English.]  
four stars Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society ["In addition to honoring scientific achievement, Sigma Xi also endeavors to encourage support of original work in science and technology and promote an appreciation within society at large for the role research has played in human progress."]  
one star
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Singapore National Academy of Science [In English.] SNAS
four stars Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti = Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts [In Slovenian.] SAZU
four stars Slovenská Akadémia Vied = Slovak Academy of Sciences [In English.] SAV = SAS
four stars Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Ciencia y de la Tecnología = Mexican Society for the History of Science and Technology [In Spanish.] SMHCT
four stars Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência = Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science [In Portuguese.] SBPC
four stars Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia Electrónica e Biologia Celular = Portuguese Society of Electron Microscopy and Cell Biology [In Portuguese.] SPME-BC
one star Società Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti in Napoli = National Society of Sciences, Letters and Arts in Napoli [In Italian.]  
four stars Società di Letture e Conversazioni Scientifiche di Genova = Society of Letters and Scientific Conversations of Genova [In Italian.]  
four stars Societas Scientiarum Fennica = Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten = Suomen Tiedeseura = Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters [In Swedish, Finnish and English.] FVS
four stars Société d'Emulation du Bourbonnais = Competitive Society of Bourbonnais [In French.]  
one star Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève = Society of Physics and Natural History of Geneva [In French.] SPHN
one star
broken once
Société Libre d'Émulation de la Seine-Maritime = Free Competitive Society of Seine-Maritime [In French.] SLESM
four stars Société Philomathique de Paris = Philomathic Society of Paris [In French.]  
four stars Société Royale des Sciences de Liège = Royal Society of Sciences of Liège [In French.] SRSL
four stars Society for Imaging Science & Technology SIST
four stars Society for Psychical Research SPR
four stars Society for Risk Analysis SRA
four stars Society for Scientific Exploration [provides "a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate concerning topics which are for various reasons ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science"] SSE
four stars Society for Technical Communication STC
four stars Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists MAES
four stars South Carolina Academy of Science SCAS
one star Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science [In English.] SLAAS
four stars Српска Академија Наука и Уметности = Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti = Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts [In Serbian.] SANU
four stars Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns = South African Acadeny for Science and Arts [In Afrikaans.] SAAWK
four stars Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia = Finnish Academy of Science and Letters = Academia Scientiarum Fennica ["to unite and support Finnish-speaking scientists and scholars in Finland." In Finnish and English.] STA
four stars Suomen Akatemia = Academy of Finland [Mostly in Finnish; some English.] SA
four stars Svenska Akademien = Swedish Academy [In English and Swedish.] SA
four stars Svenska Förbundet för Kvalitet = Swedish Association for Quality [In Swedish, with some English.] SFK
four stars Tennessee Academy of Science TAS
four stars มูลนิธิ บัณฑิตยสภา วิทยาศาสตร์ และ เทคโนโลยี แห่งประเทศไทย = Thai Academy of Science and Technology Foundation [In Thai and English.] TAST
four stars Third World Academy of Sciences TWAS
four stars Third World Network of Scientific Organizations [In English.] TWNSO
four stars Third World Organization for Women in Science [In English.] TWOWS
four stars Tieteellisten Seurain Valtuuskunta (TSV) = Federation of Finnish Learned Societies [In Finnish, English and Swedish.] TSV
four stars Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi = Turkish Academy of Sciences [In Turkish.] TUBA
four stars Union der Deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften = Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities [In German.] UDAW
four stars Virginia Academy of Science VAS
four stars Washington Academy of Sciences WAS
four stars 香港科技協進會 = Xiāng Gǎng Kējì Xiéjìnhuì = Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology [In English.] HKAAST
four stars 中国科学技术情报学会 = Zhōngguó Kēxué Jìshù Qíngbào Xuéhuì = China Society For Scientific And Technical Information [In Chinese and English.] CSSTI
four stars 中国科学技术协会 = Zhōngguó Kēxué Jìshù Xiéhuì = China Association for Science and Technology [In Chinese and English.] CAST
four stars 中国科学院 = Zhōngguó Kēxué Yuàn = Chinese Academy of Sciences [In Chinese.] CAS
four stars 中央研究院 = Zhōngyāng Yánjiū Yuàn = Academia Sinica = Chinese Academy (Taiwan) [In English and Chinese.] AS

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