Last Updated: 2007, January 9

Scholarly Societies Project

Environmental Sciences

This is one of a set of subject pages in the

Scholarly Societies Project, which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources.

Links to websites of scholarly societies in Environmental Sciences are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of Environmental Sciences sites is 79.0/87 = 90.8%. The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site.

See also: the General Biology & Environment, Atmospheric & Meteorological Sciences, Ecology, Biodiversity & Conservation Biology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental / Occupational Health & Safety, and Public Health categories.

URL Stability Rank
Society Name
four stars Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali = Italian Academy of Forest Sciences [In Italian and English.] AISF
four stars American Crop Protection Association ACPA
four stars American Geophysical Union AGU
four stars American Society of Agronomy ASA
four stars American Society of Landscape Architects ASLA
four stars American Solar Energy Society ASES
four stars American Wind Energy Association AWEA
four stars Aquatic Plant Management Society [" of nuisance aquatic plants...." APMS
four stars Asociación Argentina de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente = Argentine Association of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences [In Spanish.] AIDIS ARGENTINA
four stars Association for Humanistic Psychology ["...committed to exploring and furthering the evolution of the human spirit." "...focused on spirituality, environmentalism, community activism, health, psychology, or relationships..."] AHP
one star
broken once
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment [" promote the exchange of ideas and information pertaining to literature that considers the relationship between human beings and the natural world."] ASLE
four stars Association of Engineering Geologists AEG
four stars Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors AEESP
four stars Association pour le développement des Sciences et Techniques de l'Environnement = Association for the Development of Environmental Sciences and Engineering [In French.] ASTE
four stars Australian Institute of Energy AIE
four stars Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute = Institut Aéronautique et Spatial du Canada [In English and French.] CASI = IASC
four stars Canadian Forestry Association = Association Forestière Canadienne [In English and French.] CFA = AFC
four stars Canadian Geotechnical Society = Société canadienne de géotechnique CGS = SCG
four stars Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering = Institut Canadien de Génie Maritime ["the science and practice of marine engineering, naval engineering, naval architecture, ocean engineering, marine electrics and electronics, control engineering and other associated professions." In English.] CIMarE = ICGM
four stars Canadian Society of Agronomy = Société Canadienne d'Agronomie [In English.] CSA = SCA
four stars Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists = Société Canadienne des Biologistes de l'Environnement [In English.] CSEB = SCBE
four stars Canadian Society of Landscape Architects = Association des Architectes Paysagistes du Canada [In English and French.] CSLA = AAPC
four stars Canadian Wind Energy Association = Association Canadienne d'Énergie Éolienne [In English.] CanWEA = ACÉÉ
four stars Colegio de Ingenieros Forestales de Chile = College of Foresters of Chile [In Spanish.] CIF
four stars Commonwealth Forestry Association CFA
four stars Crop Science Society of America CSSA
four stars Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society EEGS
four stars Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia [In English.] ENSEARCH
one star
broken once
Environmental Studies Association of Canada = Association canadienne des études environnementales ESAC = ACÉE
one star European Network on Lateritic Weathering and Global Environment EUROLAT
four stars European Society for Agronomy ESA
four stars Federación Mexicana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias Ambientales = Mexican Federation of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences [In Spanish.] FEMISCA
four stars Geothermal Resources Council GRC
four stars Gesellschaft für UmweltGeowissenschaften = Society for Environmental Geosciences [In German.] GUG
four stars Indian Environmental Association [In English.] IEA
four stars Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology IEST
four stars Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology IMarEST
four stars International Association for Environmental Philosophy IAEP
four stars International Commission on Large Dams = Commission Internationale des Grands Barrages [In English and French.] ICOLD = CIGB
four stars International Dark-Sky Association [Devoted to solving problems that light pollution, radio interference and space debris cause in astronomical observation.] IDA
one star
broken once broken once
International Environmetrics Society [Also known as The International Environmetrics Society (TIES).] TIES
four stars International Federation of Nematology Societies IFNS
one star
broken once
International Geothermal Association IGA
one star International Ground Source Heat Pump Association IGSHPA
four stars International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [A research institute devoted to the policy aspects of environmental, economic, and technological processes of global change; it is administered by several scholarly societies ] IIASA
four stars International Life Sciences Institute ["to advance the understanding of scientific issues relating to nutrition, food safety, toxicology, and the environment."] ILSI
four stars International Marine Mammal Association IMMA
one star
broken once
International Social Science Council = Conseil International des Sciences Sociales = Consejo Internacional de Ciencias Sociales = Internationaler Rat für Sozialwissenschaften [In English. A site maintained for the ISSC by UNESCO.] ISSC = CISS
one star International Society for Environmental Ethics ISEE
four stars International Society of Explosives Engineers ["...dedicated to promoting the safe and controlled use of explosives in mining, quarrying, construction, manufacturing, forestry...."] ISEE
four stars International Solar Energy Society ISES
four stars International Studies Association ISA
four stars International Union of Forestry Research Organizations IUFRO
four stars International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics = Union de Géodésie et Géophysique Internationale [In English and French.] IUGG = UGGI
four stars 地盤工学会 = Jiban Kōgakkai = Japanese Geotechnical Society [In Japanese and English.] JGS
four stars Mammal Society MS
four stars National Association of Environmental Professionals NAEP
four stars National Audubon Society NAS
four stars 日本エネルギー学会 = Nihon Energii Gakkai = Japan Institute of Energy [In Japanese and English.] JIE
four stars 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会 = Nihon Marinenjiniaringu Gakkai = Japan Institution of Marine Engineering = Marine Engineering Society in Japan [In Japanese and English.] JIME = MESJ
four stars 農業土木学会 = Nōgyō-Doboku Gakkai = Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering [In Japanese.] JSIDRE
four stars Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America [In English and Spanish.] ONTA
four stars Regional Studies Association RSA
four stars Royal Forestry Society of England, Wales and Northern Ireland RFS
four stars Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce [The Society is concerned with issues in business, design, the environment, education and the arts (including architecture).] RSA
four stars Royal Town Planning Institute RTPI
four stars Safety Institute of Australia SIA
four stars Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment [A scientific commission created by the International Council for Science (ICSU).] SCOPE
four stars Soap and Detergent Association SDA
four stars Sociedad Agronómica de Chile = Agronomical Society of Chile [In Spanish.] SACH
four stars Sociedad Colombiana de Geotecnia = Colombian Geotechnical Society [In Spanish.] SCG
four stars Sociedade Brasileira de Agrometeorologia = Brazilian Society of Agrometeorology [In Portuguese.] SBA
four stars Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Florestais = Portuguese Society of Forest Sciences [In Portuguese.] SPCF
four stars Society of American Foresters SAF
four stars Society of Environmental Journalists SEJ
four stars Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC
four stars Society of Nematologists  
four stars Soil Association [A UK organization concerned with organic food and farming with an emphasis on environmental protection and human health.] SA
four stars Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich = Association of Polish Geomorphologists [In English and Polish.] SGP = APG
four stars Suomen Geoteknillinen Yhdistys = Finlands Geotekniska Föreningen = Finnish Geotechnical Society [In Finnish and English.] SGY
four stars Svenska Geotekniska Föreningen = Swedish Geotechnical Society [In Swedish and English.] SGF
four stars UK Solar Energy Society = Solar Energy Society = UK Branch of International Solar Energy Society UK-SES = SES = UK-ISES
four star Western Society of Weed Science WSWS
four star Women's Environmental Council WEC
four stars World Energy Council WEC
four stars World Energy Efficiency Association WEEA
four stars 中国可再生能源产业协会 = Zhōngguó Kězaìshēng Néngyuán Chǎnyè Xiéhuì = Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association [In Chinese and English.] CREIA

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