Last Updated: 2007, September 8

Scholarly Societies Project

Chemical Engineering

This is one of a set of subject pages in the

Scholarly Societies Project, which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources.

Links to websites of scholarly societies in Chemical Engineering are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of Chemical Engineering sites is 103.0/103 = 100.0%. The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site.

See also: the Chemistry, Material, Metal & Mineral Sciences, and General Engineering categories.

URL Stability Rank
Society Name
four stars Air and Waste Management Association AWMA
four stars Aluminum Association = The Aluminum Association, Inc. TAAI
four stars American Association of Petroleum Geologists AAPG
four stars American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists AATCC
four stars American Astronautical Society AAS
four stars American Carbon Society ACS
four stars American Ceramic Society ACerS
four stars American Concrete Institute ACI
four stars American Crop Protection Association ACPA
four stars American Gas Association AGA
four stars American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA
four stars American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE
four stars American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers AIME
four stars American Institute of Steel Construction AISC
four stars American Iron and Steel Institute AISI
four stars American Oil Chemists' Society AOCS
four stars American Petroleum Institute API
four stars American Society for Mass Spectrometry ASMS
four stars Asociación de Ingenieros Químicos del Uruguay = Association of Chemical Engineers of Uruguay [In Spanish.] AIQU
four stars Association for Iron & Steel Technology AIST
four stars Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops [Industrial crops yield products of use in the chemical industry, as opposed to the food industry.] AAIC
four stars Association of Consulting Chemists and Chemical Engineers ACC&CE
four stars Association of the Chemical Profession of Ontario = Association des chimistes professionnels de l'Ontario ACPO = ACPO
four stars Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Chimica = Italian Association of Chemical Engineering [In Italian and English.] AIDIC
four stars Australian Institute of Petroleum AIP
four stars Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry = Belgische Vereniging voor Massaspectrometrie = Société Belge de Spectrométrie de Masse [In English.] BSMS
four stars British Mass Spectrometry Society BMSS
four stars British Zeolite Association BZA
four stars Canadian Gas Association = Association Canadienne du Gaz [In English.] CGA = ACG
four stars Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum = Institut canadien des mines, de la métallurgie et du pétrole [In English and French.] CIM = ICM
four stars Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering = Société canadienne de génie chimique CSChE = SCGCh
four stars Canadian Society for Chemical Technology = Société Canadienne de Technologie Chimique [In English and French.] CSCT = SCTC
four stars Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists CSPG
four stars Česká Společnost Chemického Inženýrství = Czech Society of Chemical Engineering [In Czech and English.] ČSCHI = CSCHE
four stars Chemical and Allied Industries' Association [Based in South Africa.] CAIA
four stars Chemical Institute of Canada = Institut de Chimie du Canada [In English. The Chemical Institute of Canada is an umbrella organization for three Constituent Societies: the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology.] CIC = ICC
four stars Combustion Institute CI
four stars Concrete Institute of Australia CIA
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie = German Society for Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology and Biotechnology [In German.] DECHEMA
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie = German Society for Mass Spectrometry [In German] DGMS
four stars Electrochemical Society ECS
four stars European Federation of Chemical Engineering = Fédération Européenne du Génie Chimique = Europäische Föderation für Chemie-Ingenieur-Wesen [In English.] EFCE = FEGC = EFCIW
four stars Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies FACSS
four stars Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology FSCT
four stars Fédération Royale d'Associations Belges d'Ingénieurs Civils et d'Ingénieurs Agronomes = Royal Federation of Belgian Associations of Civil Engineers and Agricultural Engineers [Covers civil, agricultural, and chemical engineering, and also bio-industrial engineering. In French.] FABI
four stars Federazione Nazionale dell'Industria Chimica = National Federation for the Chemical Industry [In Italian.] Federchimica
four stars Forest Products Association of Canada = Association des Produits Forestiers du Canada [In English and French.] FPAC = APFC
four stars Groupe Français d'Études et d'Applications des Polymères = French Group for Polymer Studies and Applications [In French and English.] GFP
four stars Hrvatsko Društvo Kemijskih Inženjera i Tehnologa = Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists [In Croatian and English.] HDKI = CSCE
four stars Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry [In English.] ISMAS
four stars Institute of Nuclear Materials Management INMM
four stars Institution of Chemical Engineers IChemE
four stars Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto = Brazilian Concrete Institute [In Portuguese, with some English.] IBRACON
four stars Instituto Méxicano de Ingenieros Químicos = Mexican Institute of Chemical Engineers [In Spanish.] IMIQ
four stars Inter-Society Color Council ISCC
four stars International Astronautical Federation IAF
four stars International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists IFSCC
four stars International Gas Union IGU
four stars International Iron and Steel Institute IISI
four stars International Lead Zinc Research Organization ILZRO
four stars International Ozone Association ["...the leading technology of the 1990's for improving the environment." "Drinking water treatment; industrial and municipal wastewater treatments; odor control; air purification; agricultural, food processing, aquaculture, and marine uses are among those areas where ozone treatment has been shown to have exceptionally beneficial effects."] IOA
four stars International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering ISPE
four stars International Society of Electrochemistry ISE
four stars International Society of Explosives Engineers ["...dedicated to promoting the safe and controlled use of explosives in mining, quarrying, construction, manufacturing, forestry...."] ISEE
four stars International Textile and Apparel Association ITAA
four stars International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry = Union Internationale de Physique Pure et Appliquée IUPAC = UICPA
four stars International Zeolite Association IZA
four stars Irish Mass Spectrometry Society IMSS
four stars אגודה ישראלית להנדסה כימית = Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers [In English.] IIChE
four stars 高分子学会 = Kōbunshi Gakkai = Society of Polymer Science, Japan [In Japanese and English.] SPSJ
four stars 한국의류학회 = Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles [In Korean.] KSCT
four stars 한국유변학회 = Korean Society of Rheology [In Korean.] KSR
four stars Nederlandse Vereniging voor Massaspectrometrie = Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry [In Dutch and English.] NVMS
four stars 日本コンクリートエ学協会 = Nihon Konkuriito Kōgaku Kyōkai = Japan Concrete Institute [In Japanese and English.] JCI
four stars 日本セラミックス協会 = Nippon Seramikkusu Kyōkai = Ceramic Society of Japan [In Japanese and English.] CerSJ
four stars 日本鉄鋼協会 = Nippon Tekkō Kyōkai = Iron and Steel Institute of Japan [In Japanese and English.] ISIJ
four stars 한국고분자학회 = Polymer Society of Korea [In Korean.] PSK
four stars Salt Institute SI
four stars Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Verfahrens- und Chemieingenieurtechnik = Société Suisse du Génie Chimique = Società Svizzera per Ingeneria Chimica = Swiss Society for Chemical Engineering [In German.] SGVC = SSGC = SSIC = SSCE
four stars Soap and Detergent Association SDA
four stars Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio = Spanish Glass and Ceramic Society [In Spanish and English.] SECV
four stars Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas = Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry [In Spanish.] SEEM
four stars Société de Chimie Industrielle = Society of Industrial Chemistry [In English and French.] SCI
four stars Société Française de Génie des Procédés = French Society of Process Engineering [In French.] SFGP
four stars Society for Applied Spectroscopy SAS
four stars Society for Organic Petrology = The Society for Organic Petrology TSOP
four stars Society for Protective Coatings SSPC = SPC
four stars Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering SAMPE
four stars Society of Chemical Industry SCI
four stars Society of Cosmetic Chemists SCC
four stars Society of Cosmetic Scientists SCS
four stars Society of Dyers and Colourists SDC
four stars Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE
four stars Society of Plastics Engineers SPE
four stars Society of Professional Well Log Analysts = Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts SPWLA
four stars Society of Rheology SoR
four stars Society of Vacuum Coaters SVC
four stars สมาคมดินและปุ๋ยแห่งประเทศไทย = Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand [In Thai.] SFST
four stars Stålbyggnadsinstitutet = Swedish Institute of Steel Construction [Mostly in English; some Swedish.] SBI
four stars Surface Coatings Association Australia SCAA
four stars TAPPI [Also known as: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.] TAPPI
four stars 中国航空学会 = Zhōngguó Hángkōng Xuéhuì = Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics [In Chinese and English.] CSAA
four stars 中国化工学会 = Zhōngguó Huàgōng Xuéhuì = Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China [In Chinese.] CIESC

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Overview of the Scholarly Societies Project

Scholarly Societies Project

facilitating access to information about scholarly societies across the world since 1994
last modified: 2009, December 27

NEWS/EDITORIAL 2009, December 27
Fifteen Years of the Scholarly Societies Project

4157 Scholarly Societies, 3832 Websites
Search Engine
By Subject [83]
By Country
By Language
By Founding Dates
Inventory of the Oldest Scholarly Societies (1323-1849)

Special Kinds of Scholarly Societies
Academies and Royal Societies of Broad Scope [272]
International Unions [88]
Federations of Scholarly Societies [198]

Special Resources at Scholarly Society Websites
Meeting/Conference Announcement Lists
Standards [59]
Full-Text Serials

Scholarly Societies and Scholarly Communication [essays]
Meeting Sponsors and Publishers
Bibliographic Work
Interactions with Commercial Publishers
Crisis in Scholarly Publishing
Creating a Society Web Site
Bailey's Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

For a rough translation of this page, including all hyperlinks, into one of the above languages, copy the URL to the Altavista Babelfish Translator.

About the Scholarly Societies Project

Feedback to the Project
Guidelines for Inclusion of Resources
Scholarly Society Registration Form
Technical Problems Report
Sending Other Suggestions or Comments

Documentation on the Project
Linguistic Considerations
URL-Stability Index for the Project
The Editor
Project Timeline
Other Projects of Broad Scope Covering Scholarly Societies

Sending Email to the Scholarly Societies Project

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