Last Updated: 2008, April 10

Scholarly Societies Project

General Health & Medicine

This is one of a set of subject pages in the

Scholarly Societies Project, which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources.

Links to websites of scholarly societies in General Health & Medicine are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of General Health & Medicine sites is 209.0/215 = 97.2%. The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site.

See also: the Material, Metal & Mineral Sciences category.

URL Stability Rank
Society Name
four stars Academia Nacional de Medicina = National Academy of Medicine (Brazil) [In Portuguese.] ANM
one star
broken once
Academia Nacional de Medicina = National Academy of Medicine (Mexico) [In Spanish.] ANM
four stars Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires = National Academy of Medicine of Buenos Aires [In Spanish.] ANMBA
four stars Academia Nacional de Medicina de Colombia = National Academy of Medicine of Colombia [In Spanish.] ANMC
four stars Académie Nationale de Médecine = National Academy of Medicine [In French.] ANM
four stars Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique = Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium [In French.] ARMB
four stars Academy of Medical Sciences [United Kingdom.] AMS
four stars Academy of Medicine, Singapore [In English.] AMS
one star Accademia di Medicina di Torino = Academy of Medicine of Turin [In Italian.] AMT
four stars Accademia Lancisiana di Roma = Lancisian Academy of Rome [In Italian. Concerned with medicine, surgery and sanitation.] ALR
four stars Accademia Nazionale di Medicina = National Academy of Medicine [In Italian.] ANM
four stars Akademija Medicinskih Znanosti Hrvatske = Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia [In Croatian and English.] AMZH
four stars American Academy of Family Physicians AAFP
four stars American Association for Clinical Chemistry AACC
four stars American Association for the History of Medicine AAHM
four stars American College of Clinical Pharmacy ACCP
four stars American Council of Independent Laboratories ACIL
four stars American Federation for Medical Research AFMR
four stars American Medical Association AMA
four stars American Medical Women's Association [" an organization of ... women physicians and medical students dedicated to the care of the woman patient and serving as the unique voice for women's health."] AMWA
four stars American Medical Writers Association AMWA
four stars American Risk and Insurance Association ARIA
four stars American Society for Bioethics and Humanities ASBH
four stars American Society for Clinical Investigation ASCI
four stars American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science ASCLS
four stars American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ASCPT
four stars American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics ASPET
four stars American Society for Photobiology ASP
four stars American Society for Quality ASQ
four stars American Society of Biomechanics ASB
four stars Asian and Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry [In English.] APFCB
four stars Asociación Médica Argentina = Argentine Medical Association [In Spanish.] AMA
four stars Associação Médica Brasileira = Brazilian Medical Association [In Portuguese.] AMB
four stars Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade = Portuguese Association for Quality [In Portuguese.] APQ
four stars Association des Médecins et Médecins-Dentistes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Association of Physicians and Dental Physicians of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg [In French.] AMMD
four stars Association for Humanistic Psychology ["...committed to exploring and furthering the evolution of the human spirit." "...focused on spirituality, environmentalism, community activism, health, psychology, or relationships..."] AHP
four stars Association for Laboratory Automation ALA
four stars Association for the Study of Medical Education ASME
four stars Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine = Francophone Association for Man-Machine Interaction [In French.] AFIHM
four stars Association Médicale Haitienne = Haitian Medical Association [In French.] AMH
four stars Association of American Medical Colleges AAMC
four stars Association of Clinical Biochemists ACB
four stars Association of Clinicians for the Underserved ["The primary emphasis is on clinicians who are providing health care to medically underserved populations."] ACU
four stars Associazione Italiana per la Qualità = Associazione Italiana Cultura Qualità = Italian Association for Quality [In Italian.] AICQ
four stars Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists AACB
four stars Australasian College for Advancement in Medicine [Concerned with alternative methods of medical treatment.] ACAM
four stars Australian Institute of Risk Management ["The Institute fosters co-operation between disciplines and embraces diverse areas within business and operational risk management, including safety, health, security, fire engineering, quality control, insurance, finance and environmental hazards."] AIRM
four stars Australian Medical Association AMA
four stars Australian Society for Medical Research ASMR
four stars Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners [In English.] BAMP
four stars Board of Editors in the Life Sciences BELS
four stars British Human-Computer Interaction Group ["The British Human-Computer Interaction Group was set up as a specialist group of the British Computer Society in 1984...."] BHCIG
four stars British Medical Association BMA
four stars Bundesärztekammer = German Medical Association [In German, English and French.] BÄK
four stars Canadian Bioethics Society = Société canadienne de bioéthique [In English and French.] CBS = SCB
four stars Canadian Health Libraries Association = Association des Bibliothèques de la Santé du Canada [In English and French.] CHLA = ABSC
four stars Canadian Medical Association = Association médicale canadienne CMA = AMC
four stars Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics = Société Canadienne d'Épidémiologie et de Biostatistiques [In English and French.] CSEB = SCEB
four stars Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science CSMLS
four stars Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists = Société Canadienne des Clinico-Chimistes [In English.] CSCC = SCCC
four stars Česká Lékařská Společnost Jana Evangelisty Purkyně = Czech Medical Association of Jan Evangelista Purkyne [In Czech and English.] ČLS JEP
four stars Česká Společnost pro Jakost = Czech Society for Quality [In Czech and English.] CSJ = CSQ
four stars Clinical Ligand Assay Society CLAS
one star
broken once
Coalition for Education in the Life Sciences CELS
four stars Colegio Médico de Chile (CMC) = Medical College of Chile [In Spanish.] CMC
four stars Colegio Médico del Perú = Medical College of Peru [In Spanish.] CMP
four stars College of Family Physicians of Canada = Collège des Médecins de Famille du Canada [In English and French.] CFPC = CMFC
four stars College of Physicians of Philadelphia ["The College of Physicians of Philadelphia is not an academic organization, as the name suggests, but is a not-for-profit educational and cultural institution dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of medicine and the roles of the physicians in contemporary society."] CPP
four stars Coŀlegi de Metges d'Andorra = Andorran College of Doctors [In Catalan, with some Spanish, French and English.] CMA
four stars Confédération des Syndicats Médicaux Français = Federation of French Medical Unions [In French.] CSMF
four stars Controlled Release Society CRS
four stars Dansk Medicinsk Selskab = Danish Medical Society [In Danish.] DMS
four stars Den Almindelige Danske Lægeforening = Danish Medical Association [In Danish and English.] DADL
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik = German Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology [In German.] DGGMNT
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität = German Society for Quality [In German.] DGQ
four stars Deutscher Verband für Gesundheitswissenschaften = German Association for Health Sciences and Public Health [In German and English.] DVGE
four stars Deutsches Netzwerk Evidenzbasierte Medizin = German Network for Evidence-based Medicine [In German and English.] DNEbM
four stars Eesti Arstide Liit = Estonian Medical Association [In Estonian and English.] EAL
four stars Eesti Kvaliteediühing = Estonian Association for Quality [In Estonian.] EAQ
four stars Ergonomics Society ES
four stars European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry EFMC
four stars European Health Psychology Society EHPS
four stars European Medical Writers Association EMWA
four stars European Organization for Quality [In English.] EOQ
four stars European Society for Population Economics [In English.] ESPE
four stars Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology FASEB
four stars Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri = National Federation for the Orders of Doctors and Dentists [In Italian, with some English.] FNOMCeO
one star Genootschap tot Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde = Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde = Society for the Advancement of Science, Medicine and Surgery [In Dutch.]  
four stars Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte = Society of German Researchers and Physicians [In German.] GDNÄ
four stars Human Factors and Ergonomics Society HFES
four stars Institute of Medicine [One of the national academies of the U.S.A.] IOM
four stars Institute of Quality Assurance IQA
four stars International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise ICBEN
four stars International Council for Laboratory Animal Science ICLAS
four stars International Ergonomics Association IEA
four stars International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine [In English.] IFCC
four stars International Radiation Protection Association IRPA
four stars International Society for Clinical Biostatistics ISCB
one star
broken once broken once
International Society for Human Ethology ISHE
four stars International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research [" promote the practice and science of pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes assessment."] ISPOR
four stars International Society of Biometeorology ["BIOMETEOROLOGY is the study of interactions between living organisms and the atmospheric environment."] ISB
four stars International Union for Circumpolar Health IUCH
four stars International Union for the Scientific Study of Population = Union Internationale pour l'Étude Scientifique de la Population = Unión Internacional para el Estudio Científico de la Población [In English.] IUSSP = UIESP = UIECP
four stars International Union of Photobiology [In English.] IUPB
four stars Irish Medical Organisation IMO
four stars فرهنگستان علوم پزشكي جمهوري اسلامي ايران = Islamic Republic of Iran Academy of Medical Sciences = Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran [In English.] IRIAMS
four stars ההסתדרות הרפואית בישראל = Israel Medical Association [In Hebrew.] IMA
four stars Jean Piaget Society: Society for the Study of Knowledge and Development JPS
four stars نقابة الأطباء الأردنية = Jordan Medical Association [In Arabic.] JMA
four stars Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst = Royal Netherlands Society for the Advancement of the Healing Arts [In Dutch.] KNMG
four stars 한국과학기술단체총연합회 = Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies [In Korean and English.] KOFST
four stars 대한의사협회 = Korean Medical Association [In Korean.] KMA
four stars Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund = Royal Physiographic Society in Lund [In Swedish and English. Founded in 1772 with a focus on agriculture, its goals are now much broader, being "to encourage research in the natural sciences, medicine and technology..."]  
four stars Læknafélag Íslands = Icelandic Medical Association [In Icelandic.] LFI
four stars Latvijas Kvalitātes Asociācija = Latvian Quality Association [In Latvian.] LKA
four stars Magyar Orvostudományi Társaságok és Egyesületek Szövetsége = Federation of Hungarian Medical Societies [In Hungarian.] MOTESZ
four stars Македонско Лекарско Друштво = Makedonsko Lekarsko Društvo = Macedonian Medical Association [In Macedonian.] MLD
four stars Manchester Medical Society MMS
four stars Massachusetts Medical Society MMS
four stars Medical Association of Jamaica [In English.] MAJ
four stars Medical Association of Malta [In English.] MAM
four stars Medical Association of South East Asian Nations [In English.] MASEAN
four stars แพทยสมาคมแห่งประเทศไทย = Medical Association of Thailand [In Thai.]  
four stars Medical Library Association MLA
four stars Medical Records Institute MRI
four stars Medicinske Selskab i København = Det Medicinske Selskab i København = Medical Society in Copenhagen [In Danish.] DMSK
four stars Mouvement Français pour la Qualité = French Movement for Quality [In French.] MFQ
four stars National Coalition of Independent Scholars NCIS
four stars Nepal Medical Association [In English.] NMA
four stars Nederlandse Vereniging voor Algemene Gezondheidszorg = Netherlands Association for General Health Care [In Dutch.] NVAG
four stars New Hampshire Medical Society NHMS
four stars New York Academy of Medicine NYAM
four stars New Zealand Medical Association NZMA
four stars Nigerian Medical Association [In English.] NMA
four stars 日本医師会 = Nihon Ishi-Kai = Japan Medical Association [In Japanese and English.] JMA
four stars Norsk Forening for Kvalitet og Lederskap = Norwegian Association of Quality and Leadership [In Norwegian.] NFKL
four stars Norske Lægeforening = Norwegian Medical Association [In Norwegian.] NLF
four stars Ontario Medical Association OMA
four stars Ordem dos Médicos = Society of Physicians [In Portuguese.] OM
four stars Österreichische Ärztekammer = Austrian Medical Association [In German.] ÖÄK
four stars Österreichische Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie = Austrian Society for Clinical Chemistry [In German.] ÖGKC
four stars Pakistan Medical Association [In English.] PMA
four stars Parenteral Drug Association PDA
four stars Persatuan Perubatan Malaysia = Malaysian Medical Association [In English.] PPM = MMA
four stars Philippine Medical Association [In English.] PMA
four stars Physicians for Social Responsibility PSR
four stars Polskie Towarzystwo Lekarskie = Polish Medical Association [In Polish.] PTL
four stars Quality Society of Australasia QSA
four stars Radiation Research Society RRS
four stars Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Sevilla = Real Academia de Medicina de Sevilla = Royal Academy of Medicine of Seville [In Spanish.] RAMSE
four stars Real Academia Nacional de Medicina = Royal National Academy of Medicine [In Spanish. Based in Spain.] RANM
one star
broken once
Risk Theory Society ["The Society is a self-administered organization within the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) ...."] RTS
four stars Российская Академия Медицинских Наук = Rossijskaâ Akademiâ Medicinskih Nauk = Russian Academy of Medical Sciences [In Russian.] РАМН
four stars Российское Медицинское Общество = Rossijskoe Medicinskoe Obŝestvo = Russian Medical Society [In Russian and English.] РМО
four stars Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland RAMI
four stars Royal Australasian College of Physicians RACP
four stars Royal College of General Practitioners RCGP
four stars Royal College of Physicians [Also known as: Royal College of Physicians of London.] RCP
four stars Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada = Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada RCPSC = CRMCC
four stars Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow RCPSG
four stars Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh RCPE
four stars Royal College of Physicians of Ireland RCPI
four stars Royal Society of Medicine RSM
four stars Safety Institute of Australia SIA
four stars Salt Institute SI
four stars Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften = Académie Suisse des Sciences Médicales = Accademia Svizzera delle Scienze Mediche = Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences [In German, French and English.] SAMW = ASSM = ASSM = SAMS
four stars Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Qualitätsförderung = Association Suisse pour la Promotion de la Qualité = Swiss Association for the Promotion of Quality [In German, with some French and Italian.] SAQ = ASPQ
four stars Schweizerische MD-PhD Gesellschaft = Association Suisse des MD-PhD = Associazione Svizzera MD-PhD = Swiss MD-PhD Association [In German, French and English. The SMPA is an association for Physician-Scientists open for basic scientists (non MDs) doing research in a field related to Medicine.] SMPG = ASMP = SMPA
four stars Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research ["SCAR, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, is a committee of ICSU, the International Council of Scientific Unions...."] SCAR
four stars Sindicato Médico del Uruguay = Medical Union of Uruguay [In Spanish.] SMU
four stars Singapore Association of Clinical Biochemists [In English.] SACB
four stars Singapore Medical Association [In English.] SMA
four stars Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica = Argentine Society of Clinical Research [In Spanish.] SAIC
four stars Sociedad Argentina de Medicina = Argentine Society of Medicine [In Spanish.] SAM
four stars Sociedad Internacional de Bioética = International Society of Bioethics = Société Internationale de la Bioéthique [In Spanish and English.] SIBI
four stars Sociedade Brasileira de Análises Clínicas = Brazilian Society of Clinical Analyses [In Portuguese.] SBAC
four stars Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Experimental = Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics [In Portuguese.] SBFTE
four stars Società Italiana di Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica = Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology [In Italian and English.] SIBioC
four stars Società Medica Chirurgica di Bologna = Medical and Surgical Society of Bologna [In Italian.]  
four stars Société de Médecine de Paris = Society of Medicine of Paris  
four stars Société des Sciences Médicales du Grand Duché de Luxembourg = Society of Medical Sciences of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg [In French.] SSM
four stars Société Française de Biologie Clinique = French Society of Clinical Biology [In French.] SFBC
four stars Société Philomathique de Paris = Philomathic Society of Paris [In French.]  
four stars Société Tunisienne des Sciences Médicales = Tunisian Society of Medical Sciences [In French.] STSM
four stars Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences SCTPLS
four stars Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine SEBM
four stars Society for In Vitro Biology SIVB
four stars Society for Medical Decision Making SMDM
four stars Society for Research on Biological Rhythms SRBR
four stars Society for Risk Analysis SRA
four stars Society for Technical Communication STC
four stars Society of Cosmetic Chemists SCC
four stars Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) = Société de la Médecine Rurale du Canada (SMRC) [In English.] SRPC = SMRC
four stars South African Medical Association [In English.] SAMA
four stars Stress and Anxiety Research Society STAR
four stars Suomen Lääkäriliito = Finlands Läkarförbund = Finnish Medical Association [In Finnish, Swedish and English.] SLL = FLF = FMA
four stars Svenska Förbundet för Kvalitet = Swedish Association for Quality [In Swedish, with some English.] SFK
four stars Svenska Läkaresällskapet = Swedish Medical Society [in Swedish] SLS
four stars Sveriges Läkarförbund = Swedish Union of Physicians [In Swedish.] SLF
four stars Trinidad and Tobago Medical Association [In English.] T&TMA
four stars Türk Farmasötik ve Medisinal Kimya Derneği = Association of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry [In Turkish and English.]  
four stars Türk Tabipleri Birliği = Turkish Medical Association [In Turkish.] TTB
four stars Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes = European Union of Medical Specialists [In French and English.] UEMS
four stars United Kingdom & Ireland Controlled Release Society = United Kingdom-Ireland Controlled Release Society ["the science and technology of controlling release and delivery of active [pharmaceutical] agents"] UKICRS
four stars Urgent Care Association of America UCAOA
four stars Verbindung der Schweizer Ärztinnen und Ärzte = Fédération des Médecins Suisses = Federazione dei Medici Svizzeri = Swiss Medical Association = Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum [In German, French, Italian, and English.] FMH
four stars Vlaams Geneeskundige Verbond = Flemish Physicians Union [In Dutch.] VGV
four stars World Association of Medical Editors WAME
four stars World Medical Association = Association Médicale Mondiale = Asociación Médica Mundial [In English, French, and Spanish.] WMA = AMM = AMM
four stars 香港醫學會 = Xiāng Gǎng Yī Xuéhuì = Hong Kong Medical Association [In English.] HKMA
four stars 香港醫學專科學院 = Xiāng Gǎng Yīxué Zhuānkē Xuéyuàn = Hong Kong Academy of Medicine [In Chinese and English.] HKAM
four stars 香港醫學組織聯會 = Xiāng Gǎng Yīxué Zǔzhī Liánhuì = Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong [In Chinese and English.] FMSHK
four stars 中国民族医药学会 = Zhōngguó Mínzú Yīyào Xuéhuì = China Medical Association of Minorities [In Chinese, with some English. Devoted to the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities in China and related regions.] CMAM
four stars 中华医学会 = Zhōnghuá Yī Xuéhuì = Chinese Medical Association [In Chinese.] CMA

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